Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week 2 : Blog and RSS

Using blogs

I have to say here that I never had or used a blog before. Of course I heard from friends and  classmates about how the blogs were all about but I did not have any experience using them. Therefore, for my first experience I can argeun that creating and using a blog is relatively easy. By following the directives from the instructor I did not ahve any problem creating and using my personal blog. I also found that blogs can be very useful tools to save and to share information with others. They also offer the possibilty to their users to organize tehir work in a way that they can easily found them once needed. To conclude , I will argue I had a fun when creating my blog. The process is simple and and relatively fast. I think anyyone with a lil bit of help can create and use a standard web blog page with any problem.

RSS Readers
Before this week assignment I had never clue about what was a RSS Reader. Therefore , the readings were very interesting and useful for me in the sense that I have been able to understand these news concept and to apply them in a practical situation. I found Readers very interesting because they allow their users to subscribe to websites from where they would like to have information. The user can suscribe to as many websites as he want. This gives him the opportunity to have acces in time to all the information he might be interested in. Using readers also enales the users to save a important amount of time. Indeed, once you suscribe to a web site, instead of you going to look to the information , it is the information which comes to you. I think one of the videos explain how the reades work explain in a very good manner this process. In addition, having the option to know what your friends and classmates in the case of our class is another important advantage of using RSS readers.
For having used wikipedia for some many years, I always has in mind how people were able to add and delete information on this enclopedia. I think now I have my answer. Wikis are a very technological tool that we can use in order to share information. They can be a very useful tool for students in their school activities. They can use it to share infromation.They can use it to explain their opinion about a class activity and to interact with the rest of the class. I think Wikis give the students the opportunity to particpate in a different way in class activities. They can use the wikis to do their research and to make their own conclusions and interpretations about a topic without teh help of the teacher.To conclude, I will argue that if used in an effcetive manner, the Wikis can really empower the students in their schools activities by giving them the opportunity to become more independent.

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